Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reflection on Co-constructive tool

The fourth ICT tool that we have learned is yet another important tool known as the co-constructive tool. During the discussion, we looked what the definition of the co-constructive tool is, some of it's examples and the importance and applications of co- constructive tool in teaching and learning process. Then we have concluded our discussion by creating our own Google docs in a group of three and planned an ICT integrated lesson.

Figure 1: ICT intergated lesson plan using                              Google docs,2020
Through this discussion, I came to know that co-constructive tools or collaborative tools are the applications that support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding that is consolidating the ideas. Some of the examples of co-constructive tools that we have learned are Google docs, electronic whiteboard, blogs, wikis and the discussion forum on portals ( Moreover, we have also learned that Google docs is a word processor which is included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service. On the other hand, the electronic whiteboard is a hardware device that is similar to a whiteboard that is found in schools and business. All these co-constructive tools are used in teaching and learning process allowing our students to work collaboratively through online.

When it comes to the importance of using Co-constructive tools, by using the co-constructive tool, the students can co-edit the same document from their homes, they can communicate their ideas with each other, which in turn will them to develop their collaborative learning. Beside this, when they take part in exploring and sharing their views in terms of learning, they are involved in series of high-level cognitive processes such as explanation, problem finding and problem solving. The co-constructive tool also helps students to have an active and intentional learning progress because students participate to edit, refine and construct their work jointly.

Figure 2: Co- Editing the same document from their respective homes.
We have also discussed about the advantages of using Google docs. The three features of Google docs; edit, can comment and can view, gives the user full right to change the setting. Moreover, the user can give right to the viewers to edit if he/she is competent enough to do so, select who can comment and select who can just view their work on Google docs .After creating the Google docs, I also learned that any kind of changes that we made on Google docs gets automatically saved. To access Google docs, we can either use Google ID and login www or login usig an Gmail account which will directly take us to Google docs.

Figure 3: Sharing it with other members  with "can edit"access ,2020.

Figure 4: Loging into Google docs using Google ID, sample 2020.
Figure 5: Loging into Google docs using Gmail acoount, sample 2020.
Therefore, I feel that it is very imperative for the teachers to make use of the co-constructive tool in teaching and learning process. Through co-construction, the teacher can let his/her students to explore and share their views in terms of learning. The teacher can act as a facilitator in providing the comments on the progress of the students achieving high quality of learning through collaborative work.


  1. Your reflection is very meaningful. You have highlighted the whole thing with the help of appropriate pictures and examples. Moreover,you have clearly reflected on how to use it in teaching learning.

  2. Hi Summi, you have reflected very well on ICT as co-constructive tool with relevant examples and pictures to support your points. Moreover, you have shared about the importance of using Google docs and its benefits. Well done.


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